How to get things done faster?I had a discussion over lunch about being obsessed with being perfect about your work, and I realised that although I also obsess about it…Oct 12, 20221Oct 12, 20221
How wasteful is your way of working?We are creating a lot of digital waste. Let’s do something about it.Jun 8, 2022Jun 8, 2022
Uuendusprotsess, Eesti moodiKuueastmeline protsess innovatsiooniga tegelemiseks Eesti kontekstis.Mar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021
Disainmõtlemine aitab tulevikuga kohaneda(Algselt ilmunud ajakirjas Muuseum 2020. aasta sügisel)Jan 24, 2021Jan 24, 2021
Mitu korda sa enne lõikamist mõõdad?Meie kultuuriruumis levinud “praktiline mõtlemine” muudab meid krooniliselt keskpäraseks.Apr 22, 2019Apr 22, 2019
Kasutajakeskne tootearendus ehk kus sa lusikaid hoiad?Algselt avaldatud Postimehes 15. veebruaril 2014Jun 19, 2018Jun 19, 2018
Text & Drive on MacBookProI guess I’m not the first professional having issues with the latest MacBookPro. The issue I have is not about dongles or ports, it is…Nov 6, 2016Nov 6, 2016
The Great UnplannedDoes your calendar reflect your day? For many of us, it does not. We do stuff all the time that we don’t see reflected in our calendar…May 3, 2016May 3, 2016